Soul music burst on the scene in the early 1960s and became a voice of the black community during the Civil Rights movement. Motown, Philly, Memphis, New York, and Muscle Shoals all produced songs with timeless melodies and powerful messages.
Unlock the secrets behind the greatest soul music of all time as the artists, songwriters, and producers share the personal stories behind the creation of these iconic songs.
Of course, James Brown, Stevie Wonder, the Temptations, Aretha Franklin, the Supremes, Tina Turner, Curtis Mayfield, and Marvin Gaye are represented. But you will also learn about tunes by Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Sam and Dave, the Isley Brothers, the Delfonics, the Pointer Sisters and many more.

Apollo Theater. iStock.com/mizoula
Don't miss out on this unforgettable journey through the golden age of soul music. Order your copy of 100 Greatest Soul Songs now and experience the magic of these timeless classics for yourself!